This range of Lanyards is made from high quality Kernmantle Rope of dia 12mm and ha energy absorbin s C&G pack incorporated at the harness end of the Lanyard.
• They are cross stitched and are protected with a strong transparent covering sleeve. This not only protects the ends, but also makes the stitches visible for easy inspection prior to use.
• The loops at the end are protected by an abrasion resistant thimble. This prevents the rope from being damaged by the metallic contact of the connector.
The rope also has a coloured tracer strand which loses its colour in due course of time, to show that the Lanyard is now unfit for further use.
• Made up of Polyester Kernmantle of12mm dia.
• The spliced end is protected with a strong transparent covering sleeve, which not onlyprote cts the splicing but also makes the splicing visible for easy inspe ction before use.
• Loops at the end are protected by an abrasion resistant thimble, which prevents the ropefrom being damaged by the metallic contact of the connector.The ropealso has a coloured tracer strand lage indicator) which loses its colourin duecourse oftime, to show that the lanyard is nowunfit for further use.
• Available in length 1.0m, 15m, 1.8m, and 2.0m.
• All C&G Lanyards are also supplied with any other hook on special request.