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Fabric for Electric Arc-Flash Protection

Industry Knowledge

Fabric for Electric Arc-Flash Protection

DuPont™ Protera® NFPA 70E-compliant fabric that is breathable, lightweight and helps manufacturers provide electricians, utility workers, and other industrial workers with inherently thermal-resistant garments for electric arc protection. Protera® fabric helps deliver a right level of arc flash protection  for the job and can stand up to repeated washes — making it a more affordable option over FR treated fabrics. Along with this built-in protection, Protera® offers excellent durability that helps prevent rips and tears, so workers get more use from each garment. 

8cal arc flash shirt and pants

8cal arc flash shirt and pants

100 Percent Cotton: It was not all that long ago that plain old cotton was considered the appropriate protective clothing when an electrical arc exposure was present. The thinking was that cotton provided much better protection than polyester, nylon, acetate, and the like. This is true. However, along came products that soon made untreated cotton an undesirable fabric for these situations. 

Flame-Resistant Treated 100 Percent Cotton: One such fabric available today is marketed under the trade name “Indura.” This fabric is made by Westex and is guaranteed to maintain flame resistant performance throughout the life of the garment.  This fabric has an expected wear life of 50 to 75 home launderings.  This means that five sets of shirts and pants, each worn once per week, will last 12 to16 months in the range of light- to severe-use conditions.

In Indura-engineered fabrics, the flame resistant chemical impregnated on the cotton fiber core acts as a catalyst promoting the charring of the fabric. This accelerated charring prohibits the support of combustion by reducing the fuel source. The flame resistant chemical acts in the solid phase to produce this char. The mechanism of action is not based on a gaseous process of extinguishing or “snuffing out” the flame. 


Dupont China's only strategic partner

C&G Safety are Dupont China's only strategic partner, We provides arc flash, firefighting, flame resistant, military, aluminized, metal splash clothing, etc. Cooperating with well-known fiber and fabric suppliers, we spare no effort to meet different kinds of demands and critical needs of our customers. Based on technology of Dupont® Protera®, Nomex®, Aramid, Lenzing FR® and other high-tech materials, we are proficient in fabric development, garment design, marketing and sales.


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