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C&G arc flash protective clothing helps your workers out of arc fire damage

Industry Knowledge

C&G arc flash protective clothing helps your workers out of arc fire damage

Arc flash injuries


Flash fire is one of the possible hazards for workers in many industries and applications such as petroleum and petrochemical industries, firefighting, and sport car driving. Flash fires typically release heat fluxes of the order of 80 kW/m2, which are partially convective and partially radiative. Exposures to flash fire are usually of short duration (a few seconds) and typically end when the individual escapes from the location of the fire. Exposure to fire can result in skin burn injuries that range from first-degree burn injury to third-degree burn injury depending on the exposure intensity and duration. Protective clothing made of fire resistant fabrics is widely used in many industries and applications in order to provide protection from fire exposure. The type of protective clothing varies from one application to another depending on the probability of exposure, and expected exposure intensity and duration. Evaluating the performance of protective clothing usually involves estimating the total energy transfer through the fabric that causes burn injury to the human skin on the other side of the fabric.

C&G protective clothing consists of a single layer or multiple layers of fire resistant fabric, the human skin, and the air gap between the clothing and the skin. Energy transfers from the flame to clothing during the exposure in the form of convective and radiative heat fluxes. A portion of this energy is stored in the clothing in the form of a temperature rise while another portion is released from the exposed surface of the clothing to the ambient in the form of radiation losses. If the air gap between the clothing and the skin is less than 6.35 mm (1/4 in.), energy transfers by combined conduction-radiation heat transfer from the backside of the clothing to the skin. This release of the energy stored in the clothing to the skin during the exposure and cool down periods raises the skin temperature and potentially causes skin burn injury.

C&G arc flash protective clothing

C&G arc flash protective clothing

C&G arc flash and Flame Resistant Protective clothing is widely used in many industries and applications to provide protection against fire exposure. Exposure to fire can result in skin burn injuries that range from first-degree to third-degree burn injury depending on the exposure intensity and duration. Within the firefighting community, and especially the petroleum and petrochemical industries flash fire is one of the possible fire hazards for workers. Exposure to flash fire is usually of short duration (a few seconds) until the worker runs away from the fire location. C&G protective clothing system consists of a fire resistant fabric, the human skin, and an air gap between the fabric and skin. The protective performance of the clothing is evaluated based on the total energy transfer from the fabric to the skin through the air gap causing burn injury to the skin.


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