- This range of Lanyards is made from high quality Kernmantle Rope of dia 12mm and has C&G Energy Absorbing pack incorporated at the harness end of the Lanyard.
- They are cross stitched and are protected with a strong transparent covering sleeve. This not only protects the ends, but also makes the stitches visible for easy inspection prior to use.
- The loops at the end are protected by an abrasion resistant thimble. This prevents the rope from being damaged by the metallic contact of the connector.
The rope also has a coloured tracer strand which loses its colour in due course of time, to show that the Lanyard is now unfit for further use.
![Age Indicator](/d/file/fall-protection/2023-03-24/42f400fae5a00ec46de6513dd7abfff1.webp)
- Made up of Polyester Kernmantle of 12mm dia.
- The spliced end is protected with a strong transparent covering sleeve, which not onlyprotects the splicing but also makes the splicing visible for easy inspection before use.
- Loops at the end are protected by an abrasion resistant thimble, which prevents the ropefrom being damaged by the metallic contact of the connector.
- The rope also has a coloured tracer strand (age indicator) which loses its colour in duecourse of time, to show that the Lanyard is now unfit for further use.
- Available in length 1.0m, 1.5m, 1.8m, and 2.0m.
- All C&G Lanyards are also supplied with any other hook on special request.
![Uang Energy Absorbing Lanyards](/d/file/fall-protection/2023-03-24/2557b75af4a0776babf6ec7c238ef009.webp)
- C&G offers a wide range of Webbing Lanyards made from high tenacity polyester yarn having different configurations of connectors on the ends.
- The Webbing Lanyards in this section are made up of 30 mm wide polyester webbing.
- The loops at the ends are protected by an abrasion resistant covering. This prevents the webbing from being damaged by the metallic contact of the connector.
- C&G offers a wide range of Webbing Lanyards, having different configurations of connectors on the ends.
- All C&G Lanyards are also supplied with any other hook on special request.
- Made up of 44 mm and 30mm wide polyester webbing from high tenacity polyester yarn having a different configuration of connectors on the ends.
- The loops at the ends are protected by an abrasion resistant covering. This prevents the webbing from being damaged by the metallic contact of the connector.
- Available in lengths 1.0m, 1.5m, 1.8m, and 2.0m.
- All C&G Lanyards are also supplied with any other hook on special request.
![Uang Energy Absorbing Lanyards](/d/file/fall-protection/2023-03-24/54d91120bcd12d43ceef7a2004b8973b.webp)
How does the Energy Absorber Work?
In the event of a fall the special webbing inside the Energy Absorber, opens up. This opening of the webbing takes up most of the jerk which is felt as an impact when a fall occurs. Hence finally very little jerk is felt on the body of the worker.
We can therefore imagine that if this Energy Absorber is absent from a fall protection system, the forces which are felt on the body of the worker can be very high and can result in injury.
Shanghai C&G's Uang Energy Absorbing Lanyards in the world
Shanghai C&G's personal protective clothing and PPE products are trusted by customers in the world, including Indonesia. Our Uang Energy Absorbing Lanyards are exported worldwide, with a strong presence in the United States, China, Japan, Germany, the United Kingdom, India, France, Italy, Brazil, and Canada. In addition, we have a significant customer base in other countries across each continent, including Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Nigeria, and Egypt in Africa; Argentina, Chile, and Mexico in South America; Russia, South Korea, and Indonesia in Asia; Spain, Poland, and Turkey in Europe; and Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates in the Middle East. Wherever you are in the world, we have the Uang Energy Absorbing Lanyards you need to stay safe and protected. Contact us today to learn more about our Uang Energy Absorbing Lanyards and how we can help you meet your safety needs.