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How to wear a seat belt and what checks should be done after wearing it


How to wear a seat belt and what checks should be done after wearing it

For high-altitude workers, safety belts are an indispensable protective product, and are also hailed as life-saving belts by the majority of construction workers. Not much to say, let's follow C&G editor to see how to wear the safety belt and what inspections need to be done after wearing it.

safety belt.webp

1. Wearing

Step one, put on the shoulder strap

Step two, fasten the chest strap and keep the chest strap level with the "armpit".

Step three, adjust the D-ring plate to make sure it is level with the shoulders

Step four, adjust the shoulder strap and use the "clip" to clamp the remaining part tightly

Step five, tie the belt and leg belt, and adjust the clips to make the tightness moderate

2. After wearing the safety belt, check the following aspects

A. Whether the clip is correctly clamped

B. The shoulder and leg straps are comfortable and flat, and the chest strap stays properly in place

C. The D-ring is correctly placed between the two shoulder blades.

D. All the straps are smooth and not twisted, the padding is in the correct position (inside the straps).

E. The safety rope (and buffer) is properly secured on the D-ring with the self-locking hook.

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