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How to wear disposable protective clothing?The best solution is here


How to wear disposable protective clothing?The best solution is here

Today, we will show you how to wear protective clothing. There are 8 steps in total.

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Before wearing protective clothing, you should go to the toilet and drink about 200ml of water to avoid dehydration caused by wearing protective clothing for a long time.

1. Seven-step hand washing method

Wash hands with running water and keep hands well-dampened. Take an appropriate amount of soap or soap solution and apply evenly to the entire palm, back of the hand, fingers and between the fingers. When you're done, you're ready to rub!

a: Palm to palm, fingers close together, rubbing each other.

b: The palms of the hands and the backs of the hands are rubbed together along the finger gaps, and the hands are exchanged.

c: The palms are opposite each other, and the hands are crossed and rubbed together along the fingers.

d: Bend each finger joint so that the joint is rubbed in the palm of the other hand, and the hands are exchanged.

e: Rub the thumb in the palm of the opposite side, and exchange the hands.

f: Put the tips of the five fingers together on the opposite palm and rub, and exchange the hands.

g: Wash and rub the wrist and arm, and exchange hands.

2. How to wear a disposable hat

a. Choose a hat with a suitable size, which should fully cover the hair on the head and hairline to avoid exposure.

b. Disposable hats should have tight straps or elastic straps to prevent hair from falling out during wearing. If you have longer hair, you should tie your hair before wearing a hat, and buckle all your hair into the hat

c. Both ends of the closure of the disposable cap must be placed on the ears on both sides, and are not allowed to be placed on the forehead or other parts. Otherwise, it will affect the implementation and bring unnecessary trouble.

3. How to wear a disposable mask

a. The wearing method of disposable masks is relatively simple, but also pay attention to air tightness, do not touch the surface of the mask after getting it.

b. Disposable masks are divided into inside and outside. The light-colored surface has the function of absorbing or discarding dark moisture. When using it, it should be close to the mouth and nose, and the dark-colored surface should face outward, as shown in the figure:

c. When using the mask, unfold the mask, adjust it according to your face shape, and completely cover the nose, mouth and jaw, as shown in the figure:

d. Press the nose clip on the top, you can use both hands to press the hard side on the top and fit the nose wing, as shown in the figure:

e. After pressing, make the mask fit your face completely. At this time, you can feel whether there is air leakage.

4. Wear inner gloves

Pay attention to choose the appropriate model, not too loose or too tight. Before wearing, make sure the gloves are intact and not damaged, and the edges of the gloves wrap the cuffs of the work clothes.

5. Wear disposable protective clothing

Choose the appropriate model, and check whether the protective clothing is damaged before wearing it. If there is no damage, put on the lower garment first, then the upper garment, and then pull the zipper to the chest. Then fasten the one-piece cap to the head, and then close the zipper all the way, and seal the zipper button. Appropriate activities after wearing, check the extensibility.

6. Wear goggles

Check that the air hole is closed, the lower edge of the goggles presses the upper edge of the mask, and the upper edge of the goggles presses the edge of the protective clothing hat. After wearing, adjust to the appropriate tightness to ensure airtightness and comfort.

7. Wear boot covers

Put the closure over the outside of the suit.

8. Wear outer gloves

Select the appropriate model, blow to check that it is complete and not damaged, and press the edge of the glove against the cuff of the protective clothing.

The above is the correct way to wear disposable protective clothing. I hope everyone will be well protected during the epidemic.

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