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Categories of C&G Arc Flash Protective Clothing


Categories of C&G Arc Flash Protective Clothing

The Categories of C&G Arc Flash Protective Clothing contains 4 levels:ⅠLevel(6-8cal/cm2),Ⅱ Level(8-25cal/cm2),Ⅲ Level(25-40cal/cm2),Ⅳ Level(40cal/cm2 and more)

Level The represent the product
ⅠLevel(6-8cal/cm2) 6cal Arc flash Protective shirt
6cal Arc flash Protective trousers 
6cal Arc flash Protective jacket
Ⅱ Level(8-25cal/cm2) 8cal Arc flash Protective jacket
8cal Arc flash Protective trousers
8cal Arc flash Protective Gloves
10cal Arc flash Protective Face Shield
12cal Arc flash Protective Robe
12cal Arc flash Protective Hood
12cal Arc flash Protective Gloves
12cal Arc flash Protective Leggings
Ⅲ Level(25-40cal/cm2) 25cal Arc flash Protective jacket
25cal Arc flash Protective trousers
25cal Arc flash Protective Hood
25cal Arc flash Protective Gloves
33cal Arc flash Protective jacket
33cal Arc flash Protective trousers
33cal Arc flash Protective Hood
33cal Arc flash Protective Gloves
33cal Arc flash Protective Leggings
Ⅳ Level(40cal/cm2 and more) 40cal Arc flash Protective jacket
40cal Arc flash Protective Belt trousers
40cal Arc flash Protective Hood
40cal Arc flash Protective Gloves
40cal Arc flash Protective Leggings
65cal Arc flash Protective jacket
65cal Arc flash Protective Belt trousers
65cal Arc flash Protective Hood
65cal Arc flash Protective Gloves
65cal Arc flash Protective Leggings

Classification of C&G Arc Flash Protective Clothing

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